Automating the end user address validation

Pass and validate the end user's wallet address, so they can skip the steps where they have to select and validate their sending/receiving address.

All parameters must be URL encoded. Example:


must be passed as:


Test vector

You can verify that your signature for the 'hash' parameter is correct by testing it with the following info:

  • private key: 4142e80a872531fd1055f52ccab713d4c7f1eee28c33415558e74faeb516de2b

  • address: 0x270402aeB8f4dAc8203915fC26F0768feA61b532

  • code: 1234

  • hash: /37KcpG6mEp+1oAan8/HLEvcfZFXUi6kTOxTHNjD3ZloxS8DL70v7lCmXiEyDOATm4hvewMzBO2d1n25QdJ8WBw=

or with the following info:

  • seed: bamboo feed assist glove soda merry medal vanish almost solid bean loop

  • derivation path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0

  • private key: 78ba65f1cc9427fab632340ae4d705b1485fba9f73ab5a24816907d36d5729e9

  • address: 0xEa22e16EA50A43092853329F3cEEa0825Cb9B03e

  • code: 1234

  • hash: yrXNJSmMc4wvVyKEzN4cEmLTvEaridjqTULZAfMwYAMM5PgBz4fCoIWNLr5NwKhxOYiPpI2vhMlKCihWadUw5xs=

Vanilla JS code with Metamask as signer

const toBase64 = (u8) =>
    btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, u8));

const fromBase64 = (str) =>
    atob(str).split('').map(function (c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); });

const fromHexString = (hexString) =>
  Uint8Array.from(hexString.match(/.{1,2}/g).map((byte) => parseInt(byte, 16)));

const toHexString = (bytes) =>
  bytes.reduce((str, byte) => str + byte.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'), '');

/* Example for private key 78ba65f1cc9427fab632340ae4d705b1485fba9f73ab5a24816907d36d5729e9 */
const code = '1234';
const message = 'MtPelerin-' + code;
const address = '0xEa22e16EA50A43092853329F3cEEa0825Cb9B03e'; // ethereum address

  method: 'personal_sign',
  params: [message, address],
}).then((hash) => {
    // hash should be 0xcab5cd25298c738c2f572284ccde1c1262d3bc46ab89d8ea4d42d901f33060030ce4f801cf87c2a0858d2ebe4dc0a87139888fa48daf84c94a0a285669d530e71b
    const base64Hash = toBase64(fromHexString(hash.replace('0x', '')));
    // base64Hash should be yrXNJSmMc4wvVyKEzN4cEmLTvEaridjqTULZAfMwYAMM5PgBz4fCoIWNLr5NwKhxOYiPpI2vhMlKCihWadUw5xs=
    return base64Hash;

NodeJS code with ethers.Wallet as signer

const ethers = require('ethers');

/* Example for private key 78ba65f1cc9427fab632340ae4d705b1485fba9f73ab5a24816907d36d5729e9 */
const code = '1234';
const message = 'MtPelerin-' + code;
const address = '0xEa22e16EA50A43092853329F3cEEa0825Cb9B03e'; // ethereum address

const wallet = new ethers.Wallet('0x78ba65f1cc9427fab632340ae4d705b1485fba9f73ab5a24816907d36d5729e9');

wallet.signMessage(message).then((hash) => { 
    // hash should be 0xcab5cd25298c738c2f572284ccde1c1262d3bc46ab89d8ea4d42d901f33060030ce4f801cf87c2a0858d2ebe4dc0a87139888fa48daf84c94a0a285669d530e71b
    const base64Hash = Buffer.from(hash.replace('0x', ''), 'hex').toString('base64');
    // base64Hash should be yrXNJSmMc4wvVyKEzN4cEmLTvEaridjqTULZAfMwYAMM5PgBz4fCoIWNLr5NwKhxOYiPpI2vhMlKCihWadUw5xs=
    return base64Hash;

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