Automating the end user address validation
Pass and validate the end user's wallet address, so they can skip the steps where they have to select and validate their sending/receiving address.
All parameters must be URL encoded. Example:
must be passed as:
Test vector
You can verify that your signature for the 'hash' parameter is correct by testing it with the following info:
private key: 4142e80a872531fd1055f52ccab713d4c7f1eee28c33415558e74faeb516de2b
address: 0x270402aeB8f4dAc8203915fC26F0768feA61b532
code: 1234
hash: /37KcpG6mEp+1oAan8/HLEvcfZFXUi6kTOxTHNjD3ZloxS8DL70v7lCmXiEyDOATm4hvewMzBO2d1n25QdJ8WBw=
or with the following info:
seed: bamboo feed assist glove soda merry medal vanish almost solid bean loop
derivation path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/0
private key: 78ba65f1cc9427fab632340ae4d705b1485fba9f73ab5a24816907d36d5729e9
address: 0xEa22e16EA50A43092853329F3cEEa0825Cb9B03e
code: 1234
hash: yrXNJSmMc4wvVyKEzN4cEmLTvEaridjqTULZAfMwYAMM5PgBz4fCoIWNLr5NwKhxOYiPpI2vhMlKCihWadUw5xs=
Vanilla JS code with Metamask as signer
NodeJS code with ethers.Wallet as signer
Last updated