đŸ–Ĩī¸Web integration

How to add our exchange widget to your website

If you just want to redirect your users to our on/off-ramp widget, you can use one of following links on your website or in your mobile app :

Buy tab: https://widget.mtpelerin.com/?_ctkn=954139b2-ef3e-4914-82ea-33192d3f43d3&type=direct-link&tabs=buy,sell,swap&tab=buy

Sell tab: https://widget.mtpelerin.com/?_ctkn=954139b2-ef3e-4914-82ea-33192d3f43d3&type=direct-link&tabs=buy,sell,swap&tab=sell

Swap tab: https://widget.mtpelerin.com/?_ctkn=954139b2-ef3e-4914-82ea-33192d3f43d3&type=direct-link&tabs=buy,sell,swap&tab=swap


To integrate our on & off ramp service as an iFrame on your website, add the following code in the HTML part of the target web page:

<iframe allow="usb; ethereum; clipboard-write; payment; microphone; camera" loading="lazy" src="https://widget.mtpelerin.com/?lang=en" title="Mt Pelerin exchange widget"></iframe>

You must include the attributes allow="usb; ethereum; clipboard-write; payment; microphone; camera" loading="lazy" in your iFrame code as shown above, or some features of the widget will not function properly.

To integrate our on & off ramp service as a popup / modal window on your website, first add the following code in the HTML part of the target web page:

<script src="https://widget.mtpelerin.com/mtp-widget.js"></script>

Then call the following JavaScript function to open the modal:

showMtpModal({ lang: 'en' /* options */ });

Last updated