💱Chains and currencies

All the fiat and crypto currencies supported by our on / off ramp service.

Supported networks & cryptocurrencies

Supported networks and cryptocurrencies can also be found in JSON format here: https://api.mtpelerin.com/currencies/tokens

We always work to add support for more networks and cryptocurrencies, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and to follow us on social media to stay informed when we do!

  • Arbitrum

    • ETH - Ether

    • EUROe - EUROe stablecoin

    • USDC - USDC

    • USDC.e - Bridged USDC

    • USDT - Tether USD

    • WBTC - Wrapped Bitcoin

  • Avalanche

    • AVAX - Avalanche

    • EURC - EURC

    • EUROe - EUROe stablecoin

    • FRAX - Frax

    • MAI - MAI

    • USDC - USDC

    • USDC.e - Bridged USDC

  • Base

    • ETH - Ether

    • EURC - EURC

    • USDC - USDC

  • Bitcoin

    • BTC - Bitcoin

  • Bitcoin Lightning

    • Sat - Bitcoin

  • BNB Chain (BEP20)

    • BNB - Binance Coin

    • BTCB - Binance Bitcoin pegged token

    • USDC - USDC

    • USDT - Tether USD

    • WETH - Wrapped Ether

  • Celo

    • CELO - Celo

    • USDC - USDC

    • USDT - Tether USD

  • Ethereum (ERC20)

    • crvUSD - Curve.Fi USD Stablecoin

    • DAI - Dai

    • ETH - Ether

    • EURA - EURA

    • EURC - EURC

    • EUROe - EUROe stablecoin

    • EURS - Stasis Euro

    • EURT - Tether Euro

    • FRAX - Frax

    • GHO - GHO

    • LUSD - Liquity USD

    • USDC - USDC

    • USDT - Tether USD

    • WBTC - Wrapped Bitcoin

  • Gnosis Chain

    • USDC - USDC

    • USDT - Tether USD

    • WBTC - Wrapped Bitcoin

    • WETH - Wrapped Ether

    • XDAI - XDAI

  • Optimism

    • ETH - Ether

    • EURA - EURA

    • LUSD - Liquity USD

    • USDC - USDC

    • USDC.e - Bridged USDC

    • USDT - Tether USD

    • WBTC - Wrapped Bitcoin

  • Polygon

    • EURA - EURA

    • EUROe - EUROe stablecoin

    • EURS - Stasis Euro

    • EURT - Tether Euro

    • FRAX - Frax

    • MATIC - Polygon

    • MAI - MAI

    • USDC - USDC

    • USDC.e - Bridged USDC

    • USDT - Tether USD

    • WBTC - Wrapped Bitcoin

    • WETH - Wrapped Ether

  • Rootstock

    • RBTC - Smart Bitcoin

    • RIF - RSK Infrastructure Framework

    • USDRIF - RIF US Dollar

    • USDT - Tether USD

  • Tezos

    • tzBTC - tzBTC

    • USDT - Tether USD

    • XTZ - Tezos

  • zkSync Era

    • ETH - Ether

    • USDC - USDC

    • USDC.e - Bridged USDC

Supported fiat currencies

We always work to add support for more fiat currencies, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter and to follow us on social media to stay informed when we do!

âŦ†ī¸ On ramp fiat currencies

  • AED

  • AUD

  • CAD

  • CHF

  • CZK

  • DKK

  • EUR

  • GBP

  • HKD

  • HUF

  • JPY

  • MXN

  • NOK

  • NZD

  • PLN

  • SEK

  • SGD

  • USD

  • ZAR

âŦ‡ī¸ Off ramp fiat currencies

  • AED

  • AUD

  • CAD

  • CHF

  • CZK

  • DKK

  • EUR

  • GBP

  • HKD

  • HUF

  • JPY

  • MXN

  • NOK

  • NZD

  • PLN

  • SEK

  • SGD

  • USD

  • ZAR

Last updated